My promise to my readers:

First off, I promise to be honest and genuine with all of my posts. I do not wish to present myself as an authority on media in any way or proclaim all of my posts as fact. These are purely opinion-based and, frankly, may be subject to change as I learn and am exposed to new concepts about media. I am a Biology major so ideas about communication and the media are not my typical studies. In addition, I have no personal vendetta that I wish to force-feed my readers. All of my posts will be like a subjective outsider looking in and then forming her own opinions because, essentially, that is exactly what I am doing.

I also promise to offer thorough and complete insights. I don’t want to present one-sided arguments or any incomplete thoughts. Readers should be privy to the whole story, which I will do my best to present.

My final promise is to be as concise as I can. There’s nothing worse than having to sift through a bunch of fluff in order to get to the real meat of the post or article. In an effort to avoid this, I will do my best to get straight to the point and communicate as clearly as I can.

If there is anything that I can include or change about my writing style or blog that would help the reader, please do not hesitate to let me know. I invite comments and critiques so that I can better serve the needs of my readers, which ultimately enhances my ability to communicate.


  1. communicationcubed · March 9, 2016

    It’s really encouraging to see that you’re dedicated to “no fluff,” and that you are open to suggestions made by readers. Going through jargon/fluff is a huge roadblock for reading things, so this is a great goal!


  2. joelespenshade · March 9, 2016

    Thanks for including thoroughness in your goals here. I think blogs have the danger to be one of the most selfish media outlets available, and making sure to give a complete perspective rather than a one-sided one is huge.


  3. mariahsyre · March 9, 2016

    Brooke, you write in such a way that is refreshing and real. I think this builds your “ethos” 🙂 and helps your readers trust what you say. The promise to be concise is also a great thing.


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